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20 year old Intertherm furnace - replace it?...

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by loveoldtrux
Hi dudes!! Nice NEW forum!!

The target burner has melted again (it had to be replaced about 10 years ago). I took pictures of the burner's guts and took to an appliance place where they sell the replacement Intertherm targets. They said by the pix the "furnace" needs to be replaced!!
I see a bunch of debri in the burner's guts, but I thought that's probably debris from the old target ( I know when they melt / deteriorate they don't just "evaporate"). Do I really need to "replace" it or are they just trying to sell something?

The furnace is 20 years old .... that means it's time to "replace" it???

Is this something a carpenter / mechanic / roofer / plumber / electrician / home-builder / computer tech (myself) can do if ***I*** install it and then have the seller "finish it up" to save $500.00 - $600.00?


RE: 20 year old Intertherm furnace - replace it?...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:48 am
by hvac1000
On this item I would have a professional do the work. You are playing with fire if you know what I mean. Best to have it done correctly to prevent any problems. While the service man is there have them look over your furnace for any other problems.