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Mud, Mud, Mud

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:35 am
by cottonlily
and more mud. It's been raining for about a week now, off and on. My not so well packed driveway (about 900' gravelled when we moved in last summer and 'patched' again this year) has been all but washed away. The dog pens have about 4 inches of water standing in them. There are rivers running through the front yard. And the worst part is the freestanding carport (installed this summer) is nothing more than a mud pit. We are such procrastinators; we intended to have more gravel layed after the install.

Moral of the story - don't be lazy or you'll have to park at your mailbox and walk home in your waders!!! :x

RE: Mud, Mud, Mud

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:03 am
by garrett_reukauf
Same here... Our MH (new 2007) was installed this past Sept/Oct.
They did some dirt work to make things level out there. So we have about 20' to 25' on all 4 sides of our MH that has no grass now. I dont know what kinda dirt it is, looks like a lil bit of clay. But we also have gotten lots of rain and it all is washing away quite rapidly. We'll defnitely have to jump on the tilling and reseeding here shortly and get some grass on there before it all erodes away. Maybe lay some hay on top too to help. Our drive and walkway is concrete so I dont have to worry about that.

RE: Mud, Mud, Mud

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:38 pm
by Robin
I totally understand. Hubby and I moved our mh on Jan. 1, 1994. Our lot had been a field that had been disked up. We parked out by the mailbox and walked on cardboard and stepping stones to the front door, until it dried up enough in the spring for him to get a tractor in. Our dirt is clay, and it was blindingly white after he leveled the yard! Now it looks great, but I never will forget our humble beginnings!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:55 pm
by cottonlily
Ah, happy endings. We just moved in last year and 900' of gravel on fresh grass and unpacked soil is very very costly. So we're going at it little at a time. The carport was a major setback - now it's either park in there and get muddy or park outside and get wet!

We have red mud. The worst. I have scrubbed my poor carpet so much. I'm trying to convice DH to get laminate or at least a good vinyl and rip that nasty stuff up.

We also have problems over our septic tank, not the lines. The lines look great and green of course! Over the tank apparently backed between the sun and concrete cover all summer and the grass still won't grow there. We've seeded it twice. Guess we'll have to do more topsoiling in the spring.

Mud and more mud

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:10 am
by Koiflowers
We had a bulkhead put in last month. Our entire back yard is mud and now it's too cold to seed. We bought $385 of sod and it looks like a tiny green ribbon out there. But it's keeping our 35 dump trucks of mud from washing out into the lake.

Worst is the mud in the house. And hubby isn't taking shoes off at the door when I'm not looking!

RE: Mud, Mud, Mud

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:26 am
by shadow745
I had the same issue about 3 years ago with our property. When we bought this place the driveway was horrible. Our house sits up on a hill with very steep grading in the front and one side. Coming through the entrance at the gates is at least a 40 degree incline and the rest of the driveway was tilted to one side. It's about 375 feet long and was simply done in gravel. People would say "we love your house and property, but hate that f******g driveway" and I'd say if you don't like it don't visit........

Anyway we were tired of pulling gravel back in place after heavy rains and after people would spin out, so we decided to make it permanent. We had estimates done for concrete and asphalt. We already had a concrete pad and runway to the carport and a concrete floor garage with its parking area. We wanted the driveway to be 10 ft. wide, 15 or so ft. wide at the entrance and widening out near the house to tie in to the existing concrete.

The estimate for the asphalt was $6,300 and the concrete was $10,000. We checked into the pros and cons of each and decided to go with the concrete. Concrete will last longer, looks better to us, has no smell to it like asphalt, doesn't have to be sealed like asphalt, etc. The only downside to concrete was that we couldn't drive on it for 7 days and couldn't park on it for 1 month. That was worth it though.

If any of you own your land and plan to stay there permanently it is worth it in the long run IMO. You won't have any muddy driveway issues to worry about and you'll never need any gravel for touchups. Later!

RE: Mud, Mud, Mud

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:10 am
by Harry

My daughter in Australia says it has been raining for 40 days and will be raining another 2 months. All of this after 11 years of drought. Now the leeches are out in numbers. The kids are spending a lot of time indoors.

Their farm is kinda on a hill and yet they are having flood problems.
