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Can bathroom fans be repaired?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:18 pm
by nestsman
I have a 1995 Redman mobile home. In the two bathrooms, both fans just make a humming sound when I turn them on. Can these be oiled or repaired or something? Or is it going to be better just to replace them with new ones?


Re: Can bathroom fans be repaired?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:36 am
by bobfather99
Solution 1 is to dig the fans out of each fixture, clean them up, lightly lube the bearings, and hope for the best. They might work again, but who knows and for how long??
Solution 2 is to replace the fan out of each fixture. You can probably get a direct replacement right here at the site.

Re: Can bathroom fans be repaired?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:21 am
by italianmomof4
It's less expensive to replace the entire assembly than just the motor. You can get them fairly inexpensively.

Re: Can bathroom fans be repaired?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:37 am
by ponch37300
The first thing to do is take the cover off and get the fan guts out. Clean and lube if there's bearings and see if it will spin.

If it needs to be replaced you can try and find a replacement fan motor. This is the easiest way since it will just plug in. If you can't find a replacement motor you will have to replace the housing. This most likely will require cutting the drywall, you will want a fan the same size or bigger then the current one. You will have to unhook and hook up the wiring to the new one and also the vent tube. Not to hard to do. Can be messy if you have blown in insulation and you want to make sure all the insulation doesn't fall out so you don't have a cold spot there.